Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Sydney Faith!!


Today you are ONE YEAR OLD.

How on earth can that be??   Seems like just yesterday that I was holding your little 6 pound - 8 ounce self in my arms for the first time.

I love the little person that you've become in just your first year.

You're our little dare devil.  You're our little fire cracker that's either hot or cold, there's no in between.

You're beautiful.  You're smart.  You're hard-headed and strong-willed.  You have the most beautiful smile and the best laugh.  You love to scream in restaurants which is totally new for us.  It's not even a mad scream.  You just love to scream/talk.

You're the best little sister and love Amelia so much.  You love to run when you see us coming to get something from you.  You run in the opposite direction, laughing as though it's a game.   You love all food, just like your Mama.

I love everything about you.

You're our baby girl and on March 7th, 2012 at 4:59PM, our world was forever changed for the better.

We look at your sweet face and thank God every day for completing our family with YOU!

God is faithful and good and He loves like no other.  He proved that in giving us you, Sydney Faith.

You are a precious gift.

Happy 1st Birthday, baby girl!

We love you so much!


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday!! She is SO beautiful! Those pictures are great! Pretty Mama too!!

Kaysie said...

I cannot believe this sweetie is already a year old! It seems like just yesterday she was born - I'm sure it's gone by even faster for you. Happy birthday Sydney!!

Joannah said...

Where does the time go?! Happy birthday, Sydney! :)

Jenna said...

LOOOOVE that baby!!! Hope she had a great birthday and y'all have sooo much fun celebrating her! Love y'all!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Oh, Jill. That last photo of the two of you is breathtakingly beautiful. It needs a frame, for sure.

Faith said...

Cannot even believe it's been one year! I remember hearing the news that she had safely arrived and I just cried tears of joy. So thankful for this beautiful, darling girl!

Love all these pictures so much!